Family Dispute Resolution (Mediation) and
Post Separation Counselling
Is your family separating? Do you require assistance with post separation parenting arrangements? Do you require assistance to write up a Parenting Plan? Want a cheaper, less adversarial option than lawyers?
Did you know that recent changes to the Australian Family Law Act require parties to attempt Family Dispute Resolution prior to going to court, and that a Section 601Certificate is required from a registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner? Did you know that some people waste significant amounts of money using lawyers as counsellors and mediators?
The EPICentre offers appropriate solutions, information and referrals for all of the above post separation issues. Contact us for a quick resolution with minimal waiting period.
- Offering alternatives to a legal pathway for post separation matters.
- Save on legal costs through Family Dispute Resolution (mediation) and post separation counselling.
- Post separation counselling for individuals managing and dealing with fallout at the end of a relationship.
- How to manage your relationship with your ex-partner, conflict management skills and training, grief and loss, moving on, interpersonal communication skills training.
- Post separation parenting counselling.
- How to co-parent separately, development of a parental alliance, conflict management skills for improved outcomes for children.
- Family Dispute Resolution by a Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (mediation for post separation parenting), parenting plans, Section 601 Certificates for progression to court if necessary.
- Counselling for couples wanting to reconcile after relationship break down.
- Counselling for couples experiencing relationship difficulties and considering separation.
- Counselling for adolescents struggling with parental separation.
- LGBTQI friendly.
To make an appointment contact us today at (03) 6228 5535, or click here to book an appointment online.